Want to make money online?

Hi, I have just signed with a company that allows me to run text-ads on my website and they pay me each time someone clicks on the ad. The best thing is that they pay me via PayPal with a minimum of only $10. The company is called BidVertiser, here is the link to use:

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

All you need in 1 website.

Everyone can find the program for them at this website. Search the ads to find your money maker.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


I have just signed with a company that allows me to run text-ads on my website and they pay me each time someone clicks on the ad. The best thing is that they pay me via PayPal with a minimum of only $10.

The company is called BidVertiser, here is the link to use:

 <!-- Begin BidVertiser code -->
<SCRIPT SRC="http://bdv.bidvertiser.com/BidVertiser.dbm?pid=503073%26bid=1545643" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
<!-- End BidVertiser code -->

Saturday, December 5, 2015


I have just signed with a company that allows me to run text-ads on my website and they pay me each time someone clicks on the ad. The best thing is that they pay me via PayPal with a minimum of only $10.

The company is called BidVertiser, here is the link to use:


Smart, yet simple. Beautiful inside, but not conceded. Understanding and kind.

     Check out the ads and find the right program for you.